Many times you must have thought that anything and everything could be bought and sold in this country because
Now the time has come to join the fight against corruption.
From tomorrow morning, Anna Hazare is going on fast unto death at Jantar Mantar, Delhi in support of Jan Lokpal Bill, an effective anti-corrution law(attached the salient features of the bill). Thousands of citizens are going on fast with him at Jantar Mantar and various other places across India and abroad. In mumbai some 400 people will sit on fast at Azad Maidan.
Since many of us are having personal commitments so we might not assemble at one place, still we can observe fast If we want to support this cause. You can fast for full day, half day, few hours-- any duration you are comfortable with.
You may start fast at morning and have lunch during noon if that is what your health permits. Duration of fast is not important, your support for the cause is valuable, though I will fast for full day.
Please reply to my (at ankurchahal@yahoo.co.in) if you support this cause and want to observe fast tomorrow. Once the fast ends, this data will be shared with Mumbai coordinator so that our support can get counted.
Someone quoted during last dandi march -- " If we do not care about our country then who will".
I would be glad to answer your questions on India against corruption or Jan Lokpal Bill.
More details on
"If my fasting for one day can help my nation, I will fast for two"
वतन की फिकर कर नादान, मुशीबत आने वाली है
तेरी बरबादियों के मशवरे हैं आसमानों में !
ना संभलोगे तो मिट जाओगे हिन्दुस्तान वालो
तुम्हारी दास्ताँ भी ना होगी दास्तानों में !!
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